6차 AWP 국제 청년 글·그림 공모전에 관심을 보여주신 모든 분께 진심으로 감사드립니다. 최종 심사결과를 공지합니다.
We sincerely thank everyone who showed interest in the 6th AWP Global Youth Essay and Art Contest. We are pleased to announce the final evaluation results.
[Graphic Art]
Grand Prize : D*** I*** F*** & T*** I*** F*** (Indonesia)

First Place Prize: 임*** (Korea)

Second Place Prize 1: N*** H*** H*** (Viet Nam)

Second Place Prize 2: E*** (China)

Grand Prize: E** S** E** & K** N. O**
“Promoting Women’s Role in Peace and Security through the Localisation of the Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Agenda”
First Prize: 서**
“Presence, Promotion, and Protection: Three Pillars for Advancing Women in Peace and Security”
Second Place Prize : H** Y** A** & R** R** H**
“Reimagining WPS: Empowering Women in Shaping a New Era of Global Peace and Security”
Second Place Prize : F** A** P** & F** E**
“From Victims to Pioneers: Interfacing Women’s Role in Peace and Security”
참고로 금번 수상 후보작 공모전 공개검증에서 에세이 부문의 경우 AI 사용 여부에 대한 다양한 의견이 있었습니다. 이에 기타 작품 검증, 관련 규정 검토, 심사위원회 심의, 유사 사례 분석 등을 통해 최종 수상작을 결정하였습니다.
다시 한번 공모전에 관심을 가져주신 모든 분들께 감사드리며, 본 공모전으로 여성, 평화, 안보에 대한 관심이 제고되었기를 바랍니다. 감사합니다.
For reference, during the public verification of this year’s award candidates in the essay category, there were various opinions regarding the use of AI. Consequently, the final winning works were selected through additional verification of entries, review of related regulations, deliberation by the judging committee, and analysis of similar cases.
We would like to once again thank everyone who showed interest in this contest, and we hope that this event has helped to raise awareness about women, peace, and security. Thank you.